Where do you run tests in Scrum?

The decision on what types of tests to run within a sprint is the subject of much debate within the Agile community and organizations implementing Scrum.  The methodology supports writing acceptance criteria for each unit of work (story) that defines when that item is “done”.  That criteria is used to create a validation plan that […]

A Model for Justifying Test Automation

DevOps and test automation are important elements of an effective software development organization.   Some organizations are having difficulty justifying the investment in test automation, particularly for legacy systems that were not automated from the beginning. This article describes some benefits and a financial model that has been used to justify investment in test automation.  I […]

Assessing your Agility

This is a survey that can be given to your development teams to assess how much of the Agile principles are in practice.  This survey is based on the tenets of the Agile Manifesto and Scrum.   The employee will be asked to answer in the form of agree/somewhat agree/somewhat disagree/disagree with the validity of the […]

Standups – Do the three questions work?

Most teams that have adopted Scrum   have established a pattern for running their stand up meetings.  The traditional standup consists of asking each team member three questions. What did you do yesterday? What will you do today? Is there anything blocking you? These are reasonable questions and can provide insight into a team member’s activity.  […]

Quality Challenges in Agile

Agile is a step forward for implementing software systems.  But, I have seen teams struggle with several quality challenges when they move to Agile.  While Agile provides more freedom in the implementation of stories, it can be more limiting in the amount of time spent during the specifying and test planning phase.  The methodology rewards lean […]

Migrating to Agile Estimating

Organizations taking on agile almost always struggle with estimating. Years and decades of experience has taught the typical project manager that work is proportional to the difficulty of the task.  This complexity is then expressed in hours to determine how long the project will take and how much it will cost. Expressing a small project forecast […]

What is Agile Coaching?

Coaching is one of the most inconsistently used terms that I have heard recently.  It conjures up visions ranging from doing winds sprints with someone blowing a whistle in your ear to lying on a couch telling someone about how your parents treated you.   Coaching has been used to mean teaching, discipline, motivation, personal discovery, […]